Original URL: http://www.wangxiaoxin.net/?p=1393

Sergey Khachatryan – can tell is typicial Eastern European from the name – proved he is a born violinist last night, as many of his ancestors gyspys did. When he appeared, holding the legend Huggins, I was surprised that he looked even younger than his actual age.
His tune in 1st movement was as sweet as his looking. As many Russian style violinists – I mean David Oistrach, his performance was more romatic and sentimentical than the normal expression. The technical part was assured, I didn’t have the feeling of worry when some other people play the fiendishly difficult concetro, which proved he had been tested by all kinds of pressing international competitions. The performance, which somebody said was a little overshooting, more like a actor than a violinist was somehow I can understand. He is still young at all, and the youth passion is actually Tchaikovsky allows in this concerto. The burning enthusiasm and the adolescent pursuit of love gave audience the unique feeling , and the applauses after 1st movement showed it was accepted and loved by the audience of San Diego.
The middle and high registers of his Huggins were fabulous, the feeling was even more cherish when it flowed from a young person’s hands. Howver the low register was somehow with noise sometime, I don’t know whether it was because of my seat or the sound effect of the symphony hall.
With no doubt Khachatryan is one of the most potential violinists in the youth world. I can see he’s a hard working person also, and am looking forward his new CD of Russian composers.
Talking about the 5th Symphony – yes, Ja Ling was an engertic person, completing the prolix and emotional 1-hour-long symphony with hardly rest and waved his baton all the time.